2019 Canada 11-13 november 2019

Yvonne Doornbos, Marius Romme en Geert Zomer op weg naar het Wereldcongres in Montreal, Canada
Yvonne Doornbos, Marius Romme en Geert Zomer op weg naar het Wereldcongres in Montreal, Canada

2018 Den Haag, Nederland

10 th world Hearing voices congress

2017 Sao Paulo, Brazilië

2016 Paris, France

2015 Madrid, Spain

Intervoice Day 5 November, Congress 6-7 November, 2015


Marius Romme tijdens lezing in Spanje

2014 Thessaloniki, Greece

2013 Australia, Melbourne

Klik op de afbeelding voor meer informatie

2012 Congress – Cardiff, Wales

Invervoice & world hearing voices Congress

2011 Congress – Savona, Italy

Intervoices savona italy

Intervoice Savona italy

2010 Congress – Nottingham, England 

The 2nd World Hearing Voices Congress was hosted by Hearing Voices Network England and Asylum Associates.

congres Maastricht.

2009 Congress – Maastricht, Nederland

The 1st World Hearing Voices Congress took place in Maastricht, Netherlands in September 2009. It was this congress that led to the formation of Intervoice.

Presentations in this conference included:

  • Hearing voices: A common human experience – John Watkins (Australia)
  • Why relationships matter: The crucial role of the therapeutic alliance in helping people with psychosis – Richard Bentall (UK)
  • Childhood trauma and psychosis: The power of relationships to harm and to heal – John Read (New Zealand)
  • Survival techniques: An exploration of hearing voices, self harm, eating disorders and dissociation as the consequence of child abuse – Jacqui Dillon (UK)

You can buy a DVD of the 2009 & 2010 World Hearing Voices Congresses from ‘Working To Recovery‘ who filmed the presentations.

World hearing voices day. 2006
World Hearing Voices day. 2006